Hotspots are everywhere, and they draw people like flies to honey. People everywhere are driven to be connected and they demand constant connectivity. You might even be one of these people. For this reason, public hotspots are anticipated to rise by at least 350% by 2015. In addition to this, the amount of private hotspots is expected to exceed 640 million. The problem is that global public and private hotspots are expanding as rapidly as identity theft, fraud, and other online criminal activities that could possibly access unencrypted confidential information.
As a business, you want to know that your Ruckus Wireless hotspot is secure so that only your employees are able to use it. At the center of secure wireless hotspot technology there are two essential tasks. The first is generating unique encryption keys for each user and the second is automating the configuration of these keys and other Wi-Fi information within the user’s device. Through a Wi-Fi Alliance program, Ruckus Wireless has been developing new technologies to solve these problems, such as with their new Hotspot 2.0.
Hotspot 2.0 addresses issues like automating the authentication and security of Wi-Fi connections to provisioning policy, establishing roaming agreements, and ultimately forming a seamless transition between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. If you have any more questions about improving your business’s wireless hotspots, please contact us today at 1-800-366-1711 for more information.