How To Select the Right School Alert System

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The importance of implementing a reliable and efficient school emergency alert system cannot be overstated. The system must ensure that all students, teachers, and staff are notified within seconds of a potential threat,  so they can take effective measures to keep them safe and sound.

Choosing the right emergency notification system for a school can be challenging. Thus, it’s essential to consider certain key elements that every school community should have in its emergency notification system.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the crucial components of an effective school emergency alert system so school administrators make an informed decision.


How a School Alert System Works

Schools must have communications systems in place that enable them to quickly communicate with everyone on campus in case of an emergency or other event where instant action is required. This could include anything from sending weather updates and schedule changes to notifying authorities about potential intruders or medical emergencies.

The components of a school alert system vary depending on the size of the facility, but typically they include SMS messaging (sometimes through School Messenger or Blackboard), desktop/phone notifications, pagers/bells, social media posts (explaining situations), and visual boards (for announcements or warnings).


How Important are School Alert Systems?

There are numerous incentives for implementing a school alert system beyond ensuring student safety. With the rise in potential incidents such as shootings, acts of nature (fires, floods), and threats of violence, pressure on school administrators from their boards is greater than ever to ensure that their schools are adequately protected. Additionally, in many cases collaboration between districts and first responders is encouraged – even required.

There are also benefits to staff and students’ mental health when schools have a reliable alert system in place as well. Knowing that there’s an effective way to communicate with everyone quickly can provide peace of mind for teachers, students, and parents alike.


Key Features to Look Out for in a School Alert System

When considering emergency notification systems for schools, there are several features to look out for that will make the system more effective and reliable. Look for these key features:


1. Integration with Existing Hardware

A good school alert system can integrate with most existing hardware – from bell systems and desk phones to visual boards and panic buttons. This allows for a seamless transition from traditional notification methods to more modern ones.


2. Managed Data Services

With managed data services, schools can achieve higher levels of security and compliance. This includes data encryption and multi-factor authentication, as well as built-in redundancy for disaster recovery.


3. Easy-to-Use Interface

Get a user interface that is designed with simplicity in mind, so that anyone can quickly access the system and send out notifications.


4. Comprehensive Customization

A good school alert system allows for comprehensive customization so that administrators can tailor the system to their specific needs if needed. This includes options such as defining different contact groups, setting escalation levels, and integrating notification messages.


5. Scalability and Flexibility

The system is designed to scale up or down depending on the size of the facility, making it a great fit for schools of any size. It’s also very flexible in that it can be used for both internal and external notifications, ensuring that everyone is alerted quickly and efficiently in case of an emergency. In addition, as systems evolve across the District the ENS should be adaptive to grow alongside other hardware and software tools without losing integration.


Stay Prepared for Emergencies with Global CTI’s ACTIVATE School Emergency Alert System

Global CTI’s ACTIVATE Emergency Notification System is a comprehensive solution designed to keep staff members, teachers, and students safe in emergency situations. With features such as emergency communication, alert messaging, and real-time school emergency alerts, the ACTIVATE mass notification system is easily integrated and scalable, making it ideal for public schools, high schools, and school districts.

In addition to emergency geolocation, technical training, and post-incident reports, ACTIVATE also offers premise-based and cloud phones for maximum integration and cost savings. Global CTI’s managed data services ensure a secure and reliable connection to the cloud.

Contact Global CTI if you’re seeking a dependable emergency notification solution.

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