When seconds count in emergencies, timely alerts from our EMNS can save lives.

Every Second Counts: Rely on Activate EMNS for Immediate Alerts

It’s unfortunate, but in today’s world schools are vulnerable to a wide range of safety threats. It’s critical to plan, prepare, prevent, protect and recover from emergency situations to ensure your school district is ready, should a disaster strike. Schools and public agencies have traditionally relied on multiple technologies to send mass emergency alerts to their students, faculty, staff, and local authorities using real-time information.

Organizations often need 10 to 30 minutes to coordinate an emergency activation due to the many activation points, distributing information across multiple notification systems like PA systems, computer alerts, phone messages, and others. When seconds count, one touch activation can save lives.

EMNS systems, 2024 Campus Safety Conference

One Hub for All Emergency Response Activity

ACTIVATE is a one-touch emergency notification solution that helps you save time and lives during an emergency. Global CTI’s 100% customizable solution launches alerts across multiple notification points from a single point of activation. ACTIVATE is also compatible with over 93% of the PA systems now on the market, which means modernizing your emergency alert system is within your budget and can be implemented quickly

An Unmatched Emergency Mass Notification Toolbox to Protect Your Community

In today’s world schools, manufacturing plants, and public places are vulnerable to a wide range of safety threats. It’s critical to plan, prepare, prevent, protect and recover from emergency situations to ensure your facility is ready, should a disaster strike. Activate offers all the resources your staff needs to develop plans that address todays threats.

  • One-touch activation for all types of emergencies
  • Highly configurable for each location
  • Code & mandate compliant
  • Priority connection to 9-1-1 Services
  • Fulfills primary & secondary notifications
  • Compatible with most existing infrastructure

Activate EMNS Solution for School Districts and Public Facilities

  • Secure two-way texting with staff. When responding to safety threats, staff have the ability to communicate, no matter where they are.
  • Wellness check notification. Follow up on anyone who is absent or unresponsive with multi-channel, escalating wellness check notifications.
  • Collaborate in real time. Staff can collaborate in real-time with 9-1-1 dispatchers, police, fire, and paramedics, sharing important location information in advance  so first responders are better prepared.
  • Schedule & manage safety drills. Launch scenarios and have staff run through the response tasks they need to complete on their own mobile devices. Schedule drills for one or all locations easily. Get an at-a-glance view of your progress with dashboard views.
  • Provide a panic button solution. Every staff member has a panic button on their phone that instantly notifies school leaders and first responders when emergencies happen.

King City Union School District's Activate EMNS Experience

Are you worried about staff turnover, or implementing a system that’s overly complicated?

King City Unified School District wanted to be well-prepared for emergencies. Learn why they chose Global CTI as their partner to implement ACTIVATE, our one-touch emergency mass notification solution. Here’s the story behind the process.

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The Activate Leveraged for Daily Scheduling Presentation from CITE 2023

Activate Product Sheet