Purchasing Contracts

Meeting Your Procurement Needs

One of Global CTI’s core business pillars is the public sector, with education, municipal, and agency customers stretching across California. We often utilize purchasing contracts to help organizations avoid lengthy RFP processes or streamline procurement.

Always aware of funding restrictions, budget reductions, and leadership expectations within the public sector, Global CTI is heavily invested in maintaining a lean management structure that enables us to stay nimble and responsive. We have a strong understanding of the procurement process and currently hold five PEPPM purchasing contracts of our own. Our team also works through our vendor partners for GSA, Sourcewell, NASPO, UC OMNIA, E-Rate, and CMAS purchasing contracts, among others.

Outside of specific contracts, when doing business with Global CTI, organizations have access to hundreds of industry-leading technology partners. We bring the best recommendations to the table, with no provider restrictions, and can work cooperatively with preferred providers and existing third-party vendors. 

We're Qualified for Statewide Purchasing Contracts

GSA Government Services Administration Contracts
California Multiple Aware Schedules
PEPPM Cooperative Purchasing
E=Rate Public Sector Education Logo
UC OMNIA Contracts

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