ENS for Education

Time Saves Lives: Faster Response with the Activate Emergency Notification Solution (ENS)

District-wide ENS for Faster Incident Management

Threats can originate from people, acts of nature, or weather. When an emergency occurs, every second counts. Activate for K-12 and community college districts is a turnkey, one-touch emergency notification system (ENS) that integrates with your existing infrastructure to generate faster responses when a crisis occurs.

Activate ENS offers a comprehensive set of tools to help Districts prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from almost any kind of safety threat.

Districts have traditionally relied on multiple technologies to send mass emergency alerts to their students, faculty, staff, and local authorities using real-time information. However, due to the many activation points, distributing information across multiple notification systems can take up to 30 minutes to fully deploy. When seconds count, one-touch activation can save lives.

6 Ways Panic Buttons Activate ENS for Education
Community College AA Teacher for Activate EMNS

Prepare, Protect, Respond and Recover With One Emergency Notification Solution (ENS)

ACTIVATE is a one-touch emergency mass notification system (emns) that helps you save time and lives during an emergency. Global CTI’s 100% customizable solution launches alerts across multiple notification devices from a single point of activation. ACTIVATE ENS is also compatible with over 93% of the PA systems and other existing infrastructure, which means modernizing your emergency alert system can be implemented faster by utilizing existing hardware.

ACTIVATE is code compliant and meets or exceeds The Clery Act, Higher Education Opportunity Act, Ray Baum’s Act, Kari’s Law, and NFPA 72 requirements. 

Leverage Activate ENS Many Features

  • Secure two-way texting with staff. When responding to safety threats, staff have the ability to communicate, no matter where they are.
  • Wellness check notification. Follow up on anyone who is absent or unresponsive with multi-channel, escalating wellness check notifications.
  • Collaborate in real time. Staff can collaborate in real-time with 9-1-1 dispatchers, police, fire, and paramedics, sharing important location information in advance  so first responders are better prepared.
  • Schedule & manage safety drills. Launch scenarios and have staff run through the response tasks they need to complete on their own mobile devices. Schedule drills for one or all locations easily. Get an at-a-glance view of your progress with dashboard views.
  • Provide a panic button solution. Every staff member has a panic button on their phone or via a wearable device that instantly notifies school leaders and first responders when emergencies happen.
EMNS Activation Methods
Click to enlarge

King City Union School District's Activate ENS Experience

Are you worried about staff turnover, or implementing a system that’s overly complicated?

King City Unified School District wanted to be well-prepared for emergencies. Learn why they chose Global CTI as their partner to implement ACTIVATE, our one-touch emergency notification solution. Here’s the story behind the process.

Enhance Your District's Emergency Response with these key benefits:

  • Turnkey safety solution
    District IT and Safety teams are stretched thinly. ACTIVATE consolidates existing campus technology with the latest emergency software to create a seamless ENS that is easy to operate with full support and maintenance from Global CTI.

  • Immediate district-wide communications
    Collaborate in real time with 9-1-1 dispatchers, police, fire, and paramedics, sharing important information across every campus so that everyone is on the same page.

  • Cost Effective & Scalable
    ACTIVATE integrates with 99% of existing campus hardware and is scalable to allow for equipment add-ons, District expansions and classroom additions.

  • Supports Staff & Student Mental Health*
    Empower staff with emergency training to recognize and correctly respond to critical safety issues in seconds. Students feel safer on or off campus, assured they will be alerted about emergencies quickly.

  • On-going Support & Annual Testing/Training
    With ACTIVATE, your District or Campus will never stand alone. Global CTI provides technical support along with annual testing, staff training and after-incident reporting so you can learn and improve with every deployment.
  • Leverage ACTIVATE for Daily Tasks
    ACTIVATE is an investment asset for any District. Tailored integrations allow ACTIVATE to manage clock and bell schedules, visitor management, access control,  and many other physical security programs. 
Activate Methods of Deployment in community colleges
Activation Points
ENS systems, Activate for education
*Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools. (2022). Student perception of safety fact sheet. Sourced from https://rems.ed.gov/docs/Student_Perceptions_Safety_Fact_Sheet_508C.pdf
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